A Muslim woman. A wife. A mother. A Therapeutic Counsellor. A Mentor.

As a Therapeutic Counsellor and an Emotional Intelligence Mentor I am on a mission to support Muslim Women do the inner work that is required for you to live authentically- and unapologetically- truly embracing yourself as the creation of Allah swt.

Clients describe me as calm, safe, non-judgemental, innovative & unconventional. I have never tried to fit into a label or box- and I don’t plan to change that. This is what makes my clients have the biggest transformations- sometimes the unconventional and untried path is the real path to change.

Whether it is crushing your limiting beliefs, rewiring your subconscious mind, healing trauma or shutting down that inner critic; I provide you with the exact tools you need to thrive in life.

I’ve been there too

I am all to familiar with all the emotional baggage and generational trauma that comes with being a child of immigrant parents from a South Asian family. As a cycle-breaker, the burden of changing generational patterns, dismantling unconscious biases and challenging stereotypes can get very heavy.

I won’t lie. It is not easy to go down this path, always feeling like the misfit, the odd one out, the rebel, the square peg in a round hole. All because you refuse to follow the status quo.

But what I do know- its worth it.

Where it all began…

Over 20 years ago, a teenager asked,

‘If we know something is bad, why do we keep repeating the same cycle?’

She didn’t find the answer to this question until 5 years later, when she began her journey in understanding the Human Psyche.

That teenager was me.

After studying BSc Human Psychology at University, I continued to work in various areas of mental health, curious to understand human behaviour; What led us to make certain choices? Why did we behave the way we did? What thoughts kept us stuck? What drove us to continue to engage in things which were, directly or indirectly, harmful for us?

I saw how the stigma and taboo around mental and emotional health meant women were hesitant to seek help or even speak of their internal struggles, for fear of shame or being seen as weak. I saw the impact of spiritual manipulation and misinformation, which again meant women did not raise their voice or seek help.

I wanted to change this.

journey to Being Authentic

We all operate from a script which consists of patterns of thoughts, behaviours, emotions, actions and beliefs. Our blueprint is a result of the messages we pick up along the way to help us make sense of our world. This then feeds into our identity and how we are as adults. But I discovered early on, that not all of these patterns are helpful and neither are some beliefs based in facts.

It is only when someone takes the step towards growth, begins to question the norm, mindfully and consciously takes steps towards altering the script that change takes place; creating the ripples of generational change.

We are all born pure but it is our experiences which lead us to develop core limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns of behaviour and thoughts, fears and doubts around our worth and our capabilities and over time we loose this authenticity. But for us to truly feel fulfilled and nourished, we need to return to this state- return to our Fitrah.

That is the aim of my work.

What qualifies me to help you?

  • Education and Experience

    Therapeutic Counsellor

    Emotional Intelligence Mentor

    BSc Human Psychology

    I have worked with clients in a range of mental health settings whom faced a range of challenges, including:

    Psychosis & Schizophrenia

    Eating Disorders


    Anxiety & Panic Disorder

    High Functioning Anxiety

    Confidence & Self- Esteem


    ADHD & ASD

    Self- Sabotage Patterns

    Relationship Difficulties

    Unresolved Trauma & Abuse

    Emotional Dysregulation

    Healthy boundaries and Communication

    Anger Issues

    Parenting Challenges

    Identity related Issues

    Rape, Abuse & Sexual Violence

  • My Approach

    Evidence-based and integrative, my approach is influenced by extensive education and training in:

    Emotional Intelligence

    Islamic Psychology

    Gestalt Therapy

    Person Centred Therapy

    Transactional Analysis

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)

    Imposter Syndrome


    Mindfulness & Self Compassion

    Phobia Cure

    Attachment and Bonding

    Adverse Childhood Experiences


    Solution Focused Therapy


    Psychodynamic Theory

    Polyvagal Theory

    Psychosomatic Therapy

Let’s become the change we seek.

I’m not kidding when I say I completely understand where you are at.

The mindset struggles, the fears, the doubts, the limiting beliefs, the perfectionism & procrastination cycle, the unhealthy coping strategies, the past trauma and emotional baggage, the negative thought patterns and behaviour, the constant questioning your worth- and the list goes on.

When you learnt to disconnect and switch off from feeling any hurt or pain, you also put up a wall to experiencing love and connection.

I’m here to tell you that there is another way where you create the life that you desire, a life that excites you, a life that is bursting with love, laughter and fulfillment. It is possible to have it all; without having to compromise on your mental, emotional or spiritual health.

I believe that equipped with my proven Emotional Intelligence Blueprint, you will not only soar to the heights of success but also become the change maker that you deeply desire to be.

Together we can let in the light where previously there has only been darkness and shadows of inner conflict, negative thoughts, fear, doubts, shame and guilt.