Free Resources

I believe that we all deserve to live a limitless & fulfilled life; no longer held back by past experiences & trauma, a life free from fears, doubts, negative thought patterns, self-sabotage behaviours, anxiety, overwhelm and limiting core beliefs.

All the work that I do with clients has one aim in mind; you implement and take steps towards change right now. And with this in mind, I have strategically created these FREE resources to support you on your journey of healing, growth & excellence.

Seeds Of Success: Faith-Centred Affirmations

The only thing holding you back is yourself.

Yep, you read that right. No matter what story you are telling yourself or what beliefs you are holding onto, you can flip the switch at any time.

Want to know how I can say this with 100% conviction?

Any doubts, fears or worries you have are not greater than God and what he can make possible.

There is no power, and no strength, except through God the Most High, the Greatest.

Yet we doubt what is possible for us.

Micromanaging and worrying about every single decision, choice & possible outcome will not lead to greater success. You need to let go and surrender to Him and His plan completely.

And boy I know that isn’t always easy!

It’s not your job to have it all figured out but you are responsible for what you do and how you do it.

And this is the reason for why I created the Seeds of Success Affirmations rooted in key concepts that are taught in Islam; Taqwa, Sabr, Tawakkul and Shukr. And what is even more amazing? You get instant access to download and print these to display as a daily reminder.

When you are having those moments of doubt or feeling overwhelmed, you can press reset so instead of getting consumed and burdened by things outside of your control, you ground yourself and connect with Allah to guide you to think critically and with clarity as you plan your next steps.

Hit the button and start living to your potential every day.

Abundance Mindset Guided Meditation

You live a life full of limitations that God never intended for you...

You are meant for great things.

Do you know what is really holding you back from having the life you desire and taking the steps towards your dreams? YOU

Sounds ridiculous, right? I mean why would you stand in the way of your own dreams and success?

You are living a limited life because you are holding onto the beliefs, stories and conditions that have been programmed into you from birth but these no longer serve you.

This meditation will guide you to…

  • Let go of scarcity, fears, doubts, worries and stress as you call on Him to amplify the abundance in all areas of your life.

  • Reprogram your mind and open your heart by connecting with the promise of God, the Al-Baasit and the Al Ghaani, the true source of all abundance.

  • Become more present and grounded in Gods limitless and infinite blessings

Mindset Mastery To amplify your Impact & Success by 10x

Scale your business with ease AND amplify your impact & success by 10x without stress, overwhelm and burnout.


  • No longer experiencing stress from the constant juggling

  • Showing up consistently with high energy

  • Confidently scaling your purpose driven business without fears getting in the way

  • Having a business that works for you and feeling fulfilled no matter what season of life you are in

  • Having fun whilst running a successful, purpose driven business

Develop a Growth Mindset for success

There are two types of mindsets we can cultivate. One that embraces problems as opportunities to learn, and one that avoids them, often out of fear of failure.

People that avoid conflicts can be described as having a fixed mindset. Those who see problems as interesting challenges have a growth mindset.

The mindset you choose to adopt and cultivate will determine how successful you are and the goals you are able to reach.