Alleviating Anxiety

There is wisdom in how God designed the human body and mind.

Our bodies have ability to heal.

Our minds have the ability to create.

Connect with this innate wisdom within you and led it guide you towards inner freedom and peace.

They sell us a lie

The power of the human mind and body is underestimated, we are programmed by society to disregard and doubt our innate power and wisdom.

Most of us are feeling like we are missing something, or others have something we don't, so we end up normalising conditions like anxiety, panic attacks, low moods, angry outbursts and suicidal ideation; consequently remaining stuck in unhealthy patterns.

This is further amplified if you are a highly ambitious woman, who constantly feels like she is not doing enough no matter how much you add to your plate. 

Anxiety and Stress over long periods leads to…

Lack of confidence, motivation and direction

Procrastination and the inability to focus on a task

Overwhelm and Burnout

Chronic health issues (IBS, migraines, heart disease, diabetes)

Unhealthy behaviour patterns like eating disorders, obsessive compulsive behaviours (e.g obsessive cleaning, constant ordering and rearranging), aimless social media use, excessive shopping sprees, pornography, binge watching Netflix/on demand shows… all in a bid to escape reality

Irregular periods

Suicidal Ideation

Sleep issues

Feeling restless and discontent

Feeling anxiety and stress sometimes is totally normal. BUT it is an issue if it starts to impact on your day to day life, your health, your relationships and ends up driving the decisions and choices you make.

Let’s be honest

Living in a constant state of anxiety and stress isn’t helping you. The fight-flight responses hardwired into your brain are resulting in you being on high alert all the time- it’s exhausting!

This just leads you into a thought spiral, causing all sorts of emotions to overwhelm you, leading to anxiety and panic attacks.

BUT what if I told you I had an exact blueprint for using your mind to heal your body?


  • Increased productivity, clarity and focus

  • Being more present

  • Increased energy and drive

  • Being able to self-regulate and manage your emotions

  • Balance your masculine and feminine energies

  • Having tools, strategies and the exact roadmap to cope, BEFORE hitting crisis point

  • Confidently chase your dreams and ambitions without fears, doubts and overwhelm

  • No longer breaking down when you are alone, simply from the sheer exhaustion of doing it all and keeping up the facade of being OK

Here is a fact.

It all begins with an Internal change.

The question is whether you are committed to making that change within yourself.

Alleviating Anxiety

A rapid 6 week Transformation Programme using my unique 5R Roadmap.

Years of my work have gone into creating this unique blueprint proven to reduce anxiety as you learn to use your mind to heal your body and it is the exact framework that has helped countless women reclaim their power.  

Included in the programme:

1:1 coaching for 6 weeks

6 x 60 min sessions

Personalised Blueprint of your exact steps

Workbook with support and implementation tasks and worksheets for a deeper transformation

Bonus: 1 S.O.S call for that time when you need a little extra support

(T&C apply)

You will be taken to a form where you can request a FREE consultation.

What Clients say…

Trainee Counsellor and an Emotional Intelligence Mentor on a mission to support women who are looking to excel in life with mental, emotional & spiritual stability by doing the inner work, healing from past trauma and reclaiming their worth.

Through Emotional Intelligence Mentoring, I guide women just like you to live more authentically; free of emotional baggage, cultural conditioning and societal labels. I want to empower you with the skills and strategies that you need in order to feel that deep sense of contentment and fulfillment that you crave; without having to compromise your goals, dreams, relationships, health and spirituality.

know you deserve a limitless life full of love, success and abundance where you are fulfilled by all the roles you play. I know you have a longing for more, the ambition to be better and do better and the determination not to just settle with mediocre in life.

I dont care what anyone says…

I know it is possible to have it ALL.

A final Note….

Let go and Let God



  • If it sounds good what’s really holding you back?

    I will be honest; if you are looking to grow and heal, if you are looking for emotional stability, if you are tired of the constant anxiety and ready to no longer have your life controlled by it, then this is the programme for you. If overcoming your anxiety and taking back your life is not a priority right now then that is OK- this is not the programme for you.

    However, if you are seeking for an answer, a way that will help you live a full life, without anxiety overshadowing everything; then this is your sign.

    Complete the application requesting a Free Consultation and I will let you know if the programme is not a good fit for you.

  • I was also very hesitant with asking for any kind of help and kept telling myself that I could do it alone. I couldn’t.

    See here is the thing. The more information you consume, the more your anxiety will increase as often we just increase our awareness of the problem NOT the solution. As you take steps to invest in yourself, it is natural for your logical brain to throw up a lot of resistance because prioritising your needs does not come naturally. But it is the very thing you need to do, to start living your best life yet.

    Don’t worry about seeing the whole staircase- just take the first step. Request a Free Consultation or get in touch- you have nothing to loose.

  • I hear you and can completely relate!

    My methods are evidence-based and my approach unconventional. I like to cut through the superficial surface level stuff, get right to the core of the issue and then follow that up with actionable steps.

    It is not just about consuming knowledge; its about implementing changes using your own personalised blueprint which is tailored to your needs meaning you can implement it easily into your life.

  • I am a Mum running a business and training: I know what busy is!

    However in my opinion your health and wellbeing is a non-negotiable and gets priority over everything. Without it, its actually difficult to keep all the plates spinning- right?

    There is flexibility within the programme and at a minimum you will be committing to 1x60 min each week for 6 weeks.

  • Due to the nature of this program and the strategies I share, I am not offering refunds. All the necessary information has been shared on this page for you to make an informed decision.

    However, if you have any further questions or require clarification, you are more than welcome to use the contact me form or request a Free Consultation.

  • If you have any questions then you can send an email to description