Be present and productive without overwhelm or burn out through self-regulation & resilience

Imagine if you could effortlessly stay focused and consistent with working towards your ambitions & managing your home and family, without mental exhaustion or emotional overwhelm.

As a high achieving woman who wants to follow her dreams & make a mark on the world without sacrificing on faith, family or health, I know how important it is for you to emotionally regulate so you give your best to yourself, to God and to your loved ones. 

  • Frantically sorting breakfast and getting the kids ready, all the while the to-do list is racing through your mind?

  • Burnt out by 1pm as you juggle to get through the to-do list, already feeling like a failure?

  • Struggling to remain patient and calm as you face daily challenges and sudden changes to your routine?

  • Feeling guilty as you rush your prayers in between catching up with house chores, dinner prep and doing Quran class with your kids?

  • Exhausted from hustling to keep up, wondering and questioning if you are enough or if you are doing enough as you try to stay afloat?

  • Constantly stressed, anxious and overwhelmed as you meet the needs of everyone and everything, whilst your needs go unmet?

  • Going through the motions of the day without feeling energised, fulfilled and nourished mentally, emotionally and spiritually; wanting just 5 minutes to yourself?

  • Longing to feel more fulfilled and present as you play Lego with your children?

  • Finally getting some time to yourself once the kids are in bed but you feel exhausted so numb yourself by binging on Netflix?

But do you find yourself…

when you pour from an empty cup, it is no wonder that you have no energy, are easily triggered and feel like a failure, no matter how much you do.

Deep down you know what is possible for you, you know the life you envision is possible; a life where you are able to show up fully present and energised for your kids and family, without having to compromise or give up on your ambition to have an impact and make a difference through the work that you do. 

The truth is that by throwing yourself into doing all the time and ticking things off the to-do list, you are left feeling frustrated, exhausted and burnt out. Something needs to change.

What if I told you that there is a better way, where you can get things done on your to-do list and keep the same energy going through the day. You need to create space for yourself to just be.

· Waking up and having time for yourself to just connect, breathe and relax as you begin the day with remembering God

· Being present with your children as you build Lego together, without the to-do list running through your mind

· Slowing down to pray your Fard and Sunnah prayers without feeling rushed or being on autopilot

· No longer questioning whether you are doing enough

· Being able to shut down the inner critic and no longer carrying the burden of emotions

· Making intentional duas with the remembrance of Gods divine qualities, with the knowledge that nothing happens without His permission

· Effortlessly riding those turbulent waves and challenges in your day with gratitude, patience and resilience


I loved the meditation, I could feel the stress and tension fade away in the background. My shoulder and forehead felt light. I rarely do meditations but this one was different.


I have created the Inner Freedom Meditations for you because I know you crave to be more present and productive without overwhelm or burn out.

These Guided Meditations aim to guide you to processing and releasing core primary emotions, which prevents you spiralling into overwhelm and burn out. When you don’t recognise and process the emotions that surface, this then creates havoc in other areas of your life including your relationships, your work, your goals and your health.

As you make the meditations a part of your daily self-care routine, you will build the muscle of presence and experience more fulfilment as you no longer tie what you do with your worth.

What’s included?

Life time access to 10 Unique Guided Meditations in Mp3 and Mp4 formats; each focusing on processing and releasing a key emotion. You will have access to two versions; with and without background music.

This includes:

  • Releasing Anger, Fear, Stress, Shame and Guilt.

  • Cultivating Gratitude, Self-Acceptance and Compassion, Peace and Contentment

  • Unburdening an Overflowing Heart to open yourself to receive

  • Clearing the mind of Worries, Anxieties and Doubts to make space for Clarity, Focus and Presence

How does it work?

Each Guided Meditation takes you on a unique journey towards Inner Freedom by recognising, managing and regulating the emotions that you are feeling and cleansing these through connecting with Allahs divine names.

Each Meditation follows my Unique 5R process for mental and emotional regulation.

Ready to meet the more present and regulated you?

get Life time access to all 10 Meditations for only £99

i Really loved the meditation, so calming. I loved how it brought everything back to allah & his abundance. i felt so energized after doing it.


Now you have two choices:

1. Continue to race through your to-do list daily and then at the end of the day lie in bed feeling frustrated, exhausted and restless OR

2. Meditate to build the right mindset and energy that will allow you to show up with clarity, focus and passion in all that you do

I know exactly how it feels when you are working and have to juggle that with motherhood and prayers, and despite being on the go all day, still feel like it is not enough.

Lets change that story together!

I am a Therapeutic Counsellor and an Emotional Intelligence Mentor for Muslim Women. I aim to empower you with the skills and strategies you need to be successful in all areas of your life; faith, family and financial, without having to compromise on your health, responsibilities or dreams.

Being a muslimah, a wife, a mum, a daughter, a therapist and an entrepreneur, I understand exactly where you are at. I know what it is like to juggle multiple roles and at times feel like giving it all up. The times you feel like you have to sacrifice one role for another, the guilt for prioritising one role over another or the internal battle with trying to reach your goals whist also fulfilling all the other responsibilities you have.

This is the reason for why I designed these meditations. I have first-hand experienced how having the right mindset, strengthening my Tawakkul muscle and being resilient has led me to grow my business (whilst studying and looking after a baby!), all without burning out or becoming overwhelmed.

By following my unique 5R process, I have felt energised, present and fulfilled in each moment of the day instead of feeling like a robot on autopilot! That’s why I know this process works.

Practicing mindfulness through meditation allows you to become more aware of the state of your own heart and mind.

When you make it a daily habit to engage in being present, spend time to let go of the frustrations of the day, take a moment to remember Gods love, mercy and forgiveness you are left with feeling hopeful, focused and motivated to show up as your best version for yourself, for your ambitions, for your children and your loved ones.

Through using the Divine Names of Allah, the Inner Freedom Guided Meditations takes you on a journey where you connect with yourself holistically, purify your heart, rewire your subconscious mind, increase awareness of your internal world and release the emotions that keep you stuck and overwhelmed.


  • Ok I hear you with this one. It can seem like there are just not enough hours in the day BUT the issue is hardly ever around there not being enough time.

    I often find that its more around how you use your time. Are your procrastinating? Is overwhelm leading you to lose focus? Is the thought of processing your emotions scary? Are you stressed with trying to juggle everything? Are you able to prioritise?

    The Inner Freedom Meditations are designed in a way to simplify the process of self-regulation and easily fit into your day. It’s time to slow down to speed up!

  • No. Once you have made payment, you will receive an email within 24 hours explaining how to get lifetime access to the meditations. The intention behind creating these meditations is that you integrate them seamlessly into your self- care regime.

  • I was also very sceptical of meditating and used to think it’s one of those woo-woo pop psychology stuff. Our logical brain will throw up a lot of resistance but how can something that our Prophet PBUH engaged in be of no benefit? Mindfulness, reflection, meditation are repeatedly advocated by the top scholars and something that is encouraged in Islam. The western concept of hustling and always doing means that pausing in self reflection now seems alien to us but it’s the very thing our mind, heart and soul need.

  • Of course you can! However, what you won’t find online is Guided Meditations which use Allahs Divine names in my unique 5R process to release core emotions, rewire the subconscious mind and let go of emotions that are draining you of energy. When you reprogramme your mind and cultivate qualities like compassion, forgiveness, generosity and self-acceptance you no longer struggle with not feeling enough or seeking external validation.

  • Two problems I often see with this.

    1.You loose interest and motivation quickly when you don’t see results- this comes from your need for instant gratification

    2. You are trying too hard!

    The aim is not to quieten the mind! Meditation is a reflective practice. It’s geared towards bringing the subconscious into the conscious, its bringing focus and awareness to areas that are most important to you so you can lead your life instead of being lead by circumstances and situations.

    Will this happen overnight? No. Just like building a muscle, being able to quieten your mind and be still also takes practice.

    What I can guarantee? For every step you take and the intentions you make, the results will come... that is Gods promise.

    When you become aware of what occupies your mind and heart through bringing your thoughts, emotions and sensations into consciousness, you are able to let go and be free to move towards your goals and ambitions, living a life that is fully aligned to your desires and dreams.

  • No as after payment automatic lifetime access will be given.

  • If you have any questions then you can send an email to