The modern muslim dilemma: Falling into the trap of the nafs
This is a reminder for me first and foremost.
Be mindful of your actions and renew your intentions as on this journey of growth and self development it is easy to fall into the trap of the modern world.
And remember: You 're worthy from the time of your birth by the mere fact that you are Allahs creation.
The one trap you need to make sure you don’t fall into!
Self-admiration, pride, lack of gratitude and disregard for blessings, greed, love of self and overly focused on I, me and myself, need for control, the preoccupation with own desires and dislike towards anyone who disagrees with your narrative.
These are all characteristics that Allah and the Prophet (PBUH) warned us against yet this is what is being pushed as the way towards growth.
The concept of healing, growth, inner work and self-development has gotten so flawed that it has got most people believing saying affirmations, doing daily journaling, visualising and having a self care routine is growth and self-development.
Insta-therapy has led you to believe that boundaries are removing people out of your life (which is a privilege and not an option for many) when real Emotional Intelligence is about being resilient, managing difficult situation and resolving conflicts.
The self proclaimed experts have you shouting ‘I love me’ from the rooftops as being evidence of your worthiness and this watered down version just keeps you limited and playing small
In fact insta therapy highlights all those actions which are aimed at stroking your ego, providing a false sense of growth and short term gratification which you continue to engage in to make yourself feel good, in the process becoming more detached from your own internal reality.
Sad Truth….
If taking bubble baths, lighting candles and dressing up is what makes you feel worthy, then its actually sad that these are now the things that you measure your worthiness against.
These things are actually equivalent to your basic needs- just like taking a shower or drinking water- they are not reflective of how deserving you are.
This is a reminder for me first and foremost. Be mindful of your actions and renew your intentions as on this journey of growth it is easy to fall into the trap of the modern world.
And Remember….
Your worthy from the time of your birth by the mere fact that you are Allahs creation.
Struggling with feeling enough? Overwhelmed by the demands of modern life and the stress of keeping all the plates spinning all the time?
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