4 Tips to Communicate Effectively and Assertively
We have all had those moments when we become really emotional- and sometimes can’t really explain why
We become dysregulated and may even behave out of character as we struggle to process what we are experiencing internally...
BUT it doesn’t have to be like this!
We have all been there…
You know the time when we become really emotional- and sometimes can’t really explain why
When emotions overwhelm us, we can become dysregulated... I know you have been there (I’ve been there too!) and I want to say it’s totally normal!
Communication during the times when you are in a highly emotional state is an art form.... it is a skill that requires learning, practicing and refining.
The words you use when you are in a heightened emotional state can easily create a connection or disconnection with others
‘Leave me alone’
‘You never understand’
‘What’s wrong with you?’
‘I don’t want to talk to you’
When you just react in response to your own emotional state, you can end up disconnecting from the other person and consequently push them away.
The good news is that if you pause for even a minute, you can take control of your emotions and respond more effectively... this not only allows you to think more logically but also helps you see a broader perspective on the situation
‘I feel....’
‘I’m struggling with....’
‘I understand but I need...’
These are just some phrases that you can use to build connection and understanding. Over time with practice you will notice which words are most helpful with building a connection and which result in creating a disconnection
4 ways you can communicate Effectively when you are EXPERIENCING intense emotions
1. Express your needs clearly
Leave me alone > I understand what you are saying but I need some space right now.
2. Express how you are feeling
You never understand > When you said...., I felt hurt and disrespected
3. Seek understanding
I don’t know what you are talking about > I’m struggling to understand, can you explain this further
4. Offer support
What’s wrong with you? > I can tell that you are bothered by something, do you want to talk about it?
Being consistent and assertive is the key, but with practice it becomes second nature.
And Remember….
Being consistent and assertive is the key, but with practice it becomes second nature.
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