Welcome and Thanks for stopping by!
My name is Shareen and I am an Emotional Intelligence Mentor supporting women reach their goals and lead fulfilling lives without compromising their mental, emotional or spiritual health.
Having worked in the Psychology and Mental Health field for over 10 years from children with learning disabilities, young adults with Schizophrenia, teenage girls with eating disorders to elderly with dementia- I’ve seen it all!
I am…
A Muslim
A Wife
A Mum
A Daughter
A Sister
A qualified teacher
An Emotional Intelligence Mentor
A Trainee Counsellor
Most importantly….
A Woman who is carving the path of change
Some facts about me....
I like socialising until I am actually socialising- then I just want to be alone!
I have limitless energy but also need to take time out to just pause and be.
I love adventure just as much as I love curling up in a blanket with a good book.
I like looking for the pattern and the order in the choas.
I search for the light in the darkness.
No one likes arguing with me as I have a tendency to rationalise everything
I am stubborn in everything- no matter how tough it gets I don't give up and go after what I believe in.
I love being outdoors, baking, crocheting and reading- for me being creative is more relaxing than being still
I have limitless energy and sometimes need someone to reign me in as I feel like I can conquer the world overnight!
Prayer, faith and Allah are where I seek many of my answers and what keeps me grounded.
And finally...
My house is not always tidy, I look for shortcuts with cooking, I sometimes stay in my PJ's, dishes are left in the sink and laundry piles up- BUT my home is filled with love, laughter, crazy moments and peace (most days!)