What is all the fuss about?
When you do the inner work- which doesn’t really end!- you create that ripple effect which touches and elevates every area of your life. AND not only that you touch the lives of all those around you.
The aim of Inner work
To return to the state of Fitrah; your authentic, pure selves in order to fulfil your God given purpose.
To a state before social conditioning, past childhood experiences and traumas and the emotional baggage led to you losing your true essence.
A state where your worth is ONLY determined by the fact that you are a creation of Allah swt and there is no imperfection in his design or creation.
“He is the One Who has made perfectly everything He has created: He began the creation of human beings with clay, And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised: But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit…”
(Quran 32:7-9)
We are the perfect design of God and for us to truly thrive the inner work has to begin inside out; including our mind, our soul, our heart, our emotional state, our intellect, our innate creativity and curiosity, our deep desire and drive to excel & grow and our ability to love and show compassion unconditionally.
Yet we struggle. The negative thoughts, the critical self talk and the unhealthy coping strategies that we adopt which over time become our reality. We hold ourselves back afraid to believe in ourselves and the limitless promise of Allah. We no longer listen to our heart, our body and our intuition and instead put up huge internal walls to protect ourselves, stop anyone getting too close. What happens eventually? We become disconnected.
Self-sabotage, perfectionism, procrastination, anxiety, emotional overwhelm, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, negative thoughts, low self-worth, low confidence
….and this list goes on.
These are just thoughts, emotions and behaviours. All within our control.
But they end up controlling us as we fear looking within and healing at the core. We are afraid to step out of the comfort zone we have created which gives us a false sense of security.
But our heart knows. Our souls speaks out. Our body calls out.
Allah made no error when He created you.
Your soul, your mind, your heart, your body… each part of you is perfect.
Your spirit is perfect, your soul is perfect, your mind is perfect, your heart is perfect, and even your body is perfect.
But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit…” (Quran 32:7-9)
Allah says that He breathed into us something of His spirit. When I reflect on this I am deeply humbled and it brings tears to my eyes that Allah saw us mere humans worthy enough of breathing a part of His spirit; he found us worthy of being created in perfection.
True inner work is us healing those parts of us that stop us from showing up as how God intended and leads us back to Fitrah; our authentic, pure selves.
It is not easy. It is a long journey back.
But it is a journey worth taking.