3 Reasons you self sabotage your success

It is important to look at past experiences and the stories you are telling yourself that lead to self-sabotage patterns

Time for some honesty… 

Do you find yourself....

  • Procrastinating

  • Avoiding things that you know are good for you

  • Telling yourself that you don’t have the time or resources to do xyz

Whilst this maybe valid, most of the time it’s your inner beliefs and the stories you tell yourself that hold you back.

You may sabotage opportunities that come your way because

1. You are worried about the person you will become if you accept the opportunity

2. You might be worried about the lack of control you have in the outcome of the opportunity

3. You may experience guilt for accepting a bigger opportunity as it takes more time away from your loved ones

This is why it is important to look at past experiences and the stories you are telling yourself that leads to the self-sabotage


Maybe you grew up with being told that successful people are greedy, self-centred and generally bad people


Maybe you went for an opportunity in the past but it did not work out like you expected

Maybe you have been called selfish for prioritising yourself and your needs in the past


Its important to become aware of and acknowledge the real reason behind the self-sabotage behaviours so you free yourself to take the opportunities, without fear, pressure or expectations

The real reasons for self sabotage behaviours comes down too…

  • Your sense of worth

  • What you believe is possible for you

  • Doubting your own capabilities

  • Whether you think you are deserving of success

So if you find yourself avoiding tasks or coming up with reasons for why something is not possible for you or how you can’t reach a goal....

Remind yourself and affirm:

~I am worthy of all the success coming my way

~I am capable of fulfilling my God given purpose

~I have all the tools I need within me

Some questions to reflect on: 

What are you avoiding right now that is something you need to do in order to reach your goal? 

What excuses are you using as a way to self sabotage?

What beliefs underpin the behaviour?

What belief stories are you telling yourself?

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