Corrective Emotional Responses for Feelings of Rejection
If you were made to feel unimportant as a child or you felt rejected, then it is highly likely you experience this feeling often as an adult.
There is some good news though…
If you understand where your emotional response is coming from, you can create corrective experiences which lead to new outcomes and emotional responses
When you choose to respond differently in a situation that is bringing up old emotional patterns, you begin to create new neural pathways in your brain
The more you repeat the corrective emotional response, the stronger the neural pathway becomes and you form new habits
Through empathy and compassion you can ground yourself in the here and now to begin to tune into what’s happing for you internally and whats leading to the emotional response
So next time you feel unimportant or rejected, use it as an opportunity to get curious instead of shutting yourself off
3 ways to Creating corrective emotional experiences
1. Therapy/ Coaching
Having a non-judgmental, safe space where you are seen and heard provides a solid foundation for you to build awareness, self-acceptance, the confidence to hold boundaries and experience a healthy relationship which is emotionally stable.
2. Be Selective with your company
Being mindful of who you spend time with is important and this includes friends and family. One way to do this is to join a hobby/club or group where there is a shared interest or shared values. You not only a community but also you learn that you are accepted, respected and it gives you a sense of belonging.
3. Connect with your Inner Child
Often how we interpret a situation and the emotions that arise are a result of our childhood experiences. Feelings of rejection, abandonment or neglect that you carry from your childhood show up in adult life and in adult relationships. To combat this it is important to connect with your inner child, comfort them and give them the reassurance, love and acceptance that was not received during childhood.
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