The Abundance of God
Abundance of food, success, wealth, love, recognition, prosperity, peace, growth, forgiveness, happiness, ... there are no limits to anything that we desire. That is how limitless and infinite Gods Abundance is.
Something you should never forget…
Allah swt can do anything and He always wants the best for us. If we are to internalise this and make it our reality, we need to believe in His abundance.
Abundance of food, success, wealth, love, recognition, prosperity, peace, growth, forgiveness, happiness, ... there are no limits to anything that we desire.
‘Indeed, We have granted you abundant goodness (108:1)’
Despite knowing this we can often think from a place of lack- like there is not enough to go around.
Often this is down to maybe at times you made a dua for something and didn’t get it.
You see others not getting things they need.
So instead of working together as one Ummah we begin to compete for the perceived limited supply of resources
Ironically it is actually this competition and scarcity mindset that keeps us stuck and limited from living out our purpose
If you believe Allah is limitless, then know that what is yours shall never pass you by no matter how big.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah says: 'I am just as My slave thinks I am’
Abundance is having the belief that you can ask for anything you want without any doubts. Its having the belief that you and everyone else can keep taking a slice of the pie and it will never decrease.
Abundance Mindset is seeing possibilities, opportunities and limitless paths to growth and success, whereas a scarcity mindset only sees problems, roadblocks and obstacles.
Once you adopt an abundant mindset, you are no longer concerned with what everyone else is doing and are only focused on what lies ahead of you, your path, your purpose.
You are focused on sharing your unique gift to the world and being the best version of yourself.
Where does Scarcity come from?
The key reason behind a scarcity mindset is down to not acknowledging the abundance that already surrounds you.
The issue is that we fall into the trap of western concepts, when in fact Allah has provided resources in abundance and beyond what our mind can conceive.
‘And He gave you of all that you asked for , and if you count the blessings of Allah , never will you be able to count them’.
Having a scarcity mindset is not just about money; its also related to time, resources, knowledge, skills, success, support, love, recognition etc. So many of us are in a hurry; desperately wanting to do everything, be everything, consume everything afraid that if we don’t then somehow we will miss out (FOMO is real!!)
This is operating from a place of lack.
Part of the reason for the scarcity mindset is the conditioning we have around the definition of success so we focus on what we don’t have or what we want. Talking about gratitude is one thing but actually practising it is a whole other level.
Its about developing and strengthening the Tawakkul muscle and operating from an abundant mindset where you learn how to confidently step back to allow that abundance to flow to you.
Its about acknowledging your blessings, being conscious and mindful of all the abundance that already surrounds you.
Its fearlessly and powerfully serving and showing up without worrying about the results or worried about competition.
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