How I went from never fitting as an introvert to finding the perfect balance!
Being a second generation hijabi muslim woman, I was a minority in most of the spaces I found myself in.
Always carrying this sense of never truly belonging. Of being the imposter.
I never fit in.
I spent majority of my teens feeling like something was wrong with me; never really fitting in and despite on the surface ticking all the boxes- academic, sociable, the golden child, successful, popular.
Being a second generation hijabi muslim woman, I was a minority in most of the spaces I found myself in. Always carrying this sense of never truly belonging. Of being the imposter.
And the only way I could fit in and be accepted was to hide who I really was. And this ‘not fitting in’ feeling just grew over the years. And in response people-pleasing, seeking external validation, perfectionism, hiding my true self and doubting myself also just grew. I thought by hiding who I was, I would fit in. But I was always the Imposter.
What did this lead to?
I made my masculine energy my norm and my feminine, nurturing energy became pretty much non-existent.
Being an over independent, ambitious woman I spent majority of my time stuck in masculine energy and didn’t know how to step into my feminine energy- there was a complete imbalance!
I would swing between controlling, hustling and micromanaging every aspect of my life to completely stepping back, indulging and taking a break all in the name of self-care
I was inconsistent towards my goals
I wasn't living my best life
I was burnt out, dissatisfied and unfulfilled
If you find yourself in a similar position this is what needs to change…
For you to feel successful, fulfilled and content you need to be able to balance both energies; your masculine and feminine.
But your default programming and conditioning means there is a complete imbalance.
Each time you feel unsafe and uncomfortable you retreat back and keep playing small, doubting what is possible for you, limiting yourself.
When in fact you should step forward and take that leap
Despite the fears that come up
Despite the limiting beliefs that want to hold you back
Despite the inner critic raising doubts
Only then are you able to show up empowered to reach your goals, work towards making your dreams a reality and smash through those glass ceilings without stress, burnout or overwhelm.
Ready for some change?
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