therapeutic Counselling & EMotional Intelligence Mentoring

A Therapeutic Counsellor and an Emotional Intelligence Mentor for women who are looking to excel in life with mental, emotional & spiritual stability by doing the inner work, healing from past trauma and reclaiming their worth.

I am on a mission to help high achieving ambitious women like you do the inner work that is preventing you from feeling fulfilled and having that deep sense of contentment that you crave. I want to empower you with the EQ skills and strategies that you need, in order to heal the internal wounds that are creating a barrier to your success and impacting on your health, your relationships and your spirituality. Through a trauma-informed approach and EQ Mentoring, I guide you to your true authentic self so you are able to have success in all areas of your life and break free of the glass ceilings that limit and hold you back.

Having worked in the field of Psychology with clients experiencing Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Eating Disorders and Personality Disorder, I have seen how trauma and past emotional baggage can hold you back from truly thriving and experiencing fulfilment.

One of the reasons I pursued my Counselling Career was to change the narrative on mental and emotional health where although healing can be difficult, it can also involve light and laughter in a safe, non judgmental space.

One thing I know for sure; you have had enough of this emotional spiral, you are tired of putting on a mask for everyone else, fed up with the inner critic and are ready to have mental, emotional & spiritual stability in your life to experience true inner freedom, fulfilment and peace.

Why Emotional Intelligence?

1. Self-awareness

Self Awareness is always the first step as without it, you are unable to grow or make any positive changes.

‘Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves’ (13:11)

There often is a huge misconception when it comes to Emotional Intelligence.

It’s not just talking about feelings- it is a much higher skill even more than IQ and a key determiner of your success in this life and the Akhirah. The root of how you think, behave and respond to the situations in your life, in your relationships and in your career is defined by your internal state and your level of Emotional Intelligence.

The 5 Key Pillars of Emotional Intelligence are built on evidence-based foundations empowering you to navigate situations no matter how difficult.

Key Pillars:

2. Self-Regulation & Self Control

Being able to regulate and manage your emotions and impulses is so important as we have been given the gift of free choice.

‘Who spend [in the cause of Allah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people – and Allah loves the doers of good’ (3:134)

3. Empathy

Empathy is a skill that takes practice and it first begins with your willingness to understand other people’s emotions and experiences, even if they are conflicting to your own.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "No one of you shall become a true believer until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself". (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

4. Motivation & Self-Discipline

Your motivation needs to be intrinsic and your ‘why’ much bigger than surface level gains.  

‘And give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens of paradise beneath which rivers flow’ (2:25)

Be purpose led and focused on your goals, overcoming hurdles and challenges with faith and grace

5. Social skills

The art of communication is so important as it is through communication, verbal and non-verbal, that we connect with other people, build relationships and express ourselves.

‘We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other).’ (49:13)

Ready for the inner work?

  • Alleviating Anxiety

    This is an ideal choice if you are looking for strategies and support to cope better with stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

    Feeling anxiety and stress sometimes is totally normal. BUT it is an issue if it starts to impact on your day to day life, your health, your relationships and ends up driving the decisions and choices you make.

    Duration: 6 Weeks

  • Emotional Blueprint Decoder

    The ideal choice if you want a personalized high-touch plan that is tailored to your needs, helping you heal from trauma, past emotional wounds and equipping you with the emotional intelligence skills needed to navigate life and relationships.

    Duration: 3 months, 6 months or custom built

  • Inner Freedom Guided Meditations

    Be present and productive without overwhelm or burn out through self-regulation & resilience

    Life-time access to 10 Unique Guided Meditations, aimed at nourishing your heart, mind, body & soul.

What My Clients say…

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